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Marinated scampis in two versions

Marinated scampis in two versions

A good marinade has something sour (eg lemon), something sweet (eg honey) and something greasy (eg olive oil). Scampis can...
Cold smoked salmon in Vonken

Cold smoked salmon in Vonken

Have you always dreamed of smoking your own salmon? When it is cold outside, you can smoke delicious salmon. Due...
Moules Brasucade

Moules Brasucade

Moules de la Brasucade, in the Vonken wood ovens. This is a recipe for mussels in all simplicity from the...
Sea bass baked on skin with young leek

Sea bass baked on skin with young leek

Something other than meat on a sultry summer evening? This recipe for sea bass baked on the skin is very...
Salmon with lemon & crispy new potatoes

Salmon with lemon & crispy new potatoes

Salmon with lemon & crispy new potatoes